Day’s End – June 27th, 51st Int’l Rally at Bozeman
Lots and lost of Airstreams! Watched the Vintage Parade roll into Silver City this morning – it was hard to pick a favorite, but the ’36 Caddy pulling the highly polished 50’s model trailer got my vote. Saw the Carlsens from Regina in the parade. The Tetzlaffs are two trailers away from us, here in Green 2. Got the bulletin board in place to prove out unit was represented here. Signed up for the Region 7 luncheon, picked up the paperwork for the delegates meeting and the unit publications contests. Larry went shopping at the Airstream Store – his spare parts inventory has been replenished. It’s cooling off quite nicely; it was in the upper 70’s today and most likely the furnace might have to be turned on sometime during the night. There’s still snow to be seen on the mountain tops, and the Yellowstone River is still flooding. Hey – you know that water pours into the Missouri and helps the level on Lake Sakakawea. To answer the question everyone is wondering, when we checked in, they said there were about 650 registered units here as of last night.