Archive for January, 2008

Region 7 Voyageur Rally is Aug 11-15

 Just received updated information on this summer’s Region 7 Voyageur Rally, which will be held August 11 through 15th in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.  The registration form for the Rally will be in the February issue of the  Blue Beret and two subsequent issues.    We will be parking at Confederation College. “As a head’s up….we are not having a skit night this year. We are going to do something different,” indicated Terrol Rogers from the Manitoba Unit.           Parking will be on Monday and anyone that wants to arrive early can book in at Trowbridge Falls Campground; it’s very near to the city and good hook-ups—look them up on the web at’t forget to secure your identification documents, registration and proof of insurance for entry into Canada, and for your return to the United States.  This includes any items needed to bring your pets with you. 

January 21 2008 | News and Rallies | No Comments »